Sunday, November 9, 2008


We didn't have class this week but we had the assignment of observing a classroom and taking a survey on what types of technologies they had. I have been working with a student at Meadow Elementary in Lehi. So I observed in that class and interviewed one of the 2nd grade teachers in that school. In her classroom they have an overhead projector, digital camera, and cd/tape player. They also share a tv and dvd/vhs combo with the teachers in the same hallway. The school has one computer lab. The students go to computer class 2x a week for 4 weeks each term. That is a total of 12 weeks. They go 80 minutes each week. The computers they use are Apple computers. The programs these computers have include: Word, Worldbook Encyclopedia, Paint, Math munchers, and some others as well. The school has 2 Elmo projectors. Each teacher also has screen projectors for their computers. It is the goal of the school to have Elmo machines for each classroom. The students have limited access to the internet and have to have a permission slip signed by their parents to be able to use it.

I think the Elmo machines are a great resource. I would use this technology in my class a lot. I would use it a lot for science lessons, math, and language arts.

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