Thursday, November 20, 2008


In class we are talking about a lot of cool technologies and resource can use in our classrooms. We first talked about different computer formats such as GIF, JPG, PNG,and TIF. We talked about the sizes of each and when to use each one. One we discussed was saving screen shots as JPG files. We talked about digital images and pixel/dot size. We talked about digital image resolution and what determines the size of the picture. We talked about how the more pixels there are the clearer the image is. This is DPI or dots per inch. So an 8 megapixel image will be clearer than a 2 megapixel image. We then went onto Wikipedia and looked up information on image file formats. We learned that lossless images looses none of the picture quality or material and lossy looses image quality. It takes away information that is not visible to the eye.

We then used the program Picasa to take the red eye off of a cat picture. I love this program. It was so fun to play with.

Next we went to the website: !! Such a cool website! On this site you can create different pictures and even little video clips. This program would be great to use in the classroom. You could have the students create their own story from a book they read. They could write a story or experience and then draw or create a video for it. You could also use it to teach sequencing or beginning, middle, or end. There are a lot of fun things a teacher could do with this website.

Next we explored other websites with math and language arts activities. In groups we picked a grade level to find an activity for. We went to the state core and found a math and language arts standard and objective. We then picked a language arts activity and math activity on the web that met this standard and objective. These activities are shown on previously shown posts explaining the technology, content, and pedagogy.

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