Saturday, September 13, 2008


--Sept. 11th was the second day of IP&T class. Since I thoroughly enjoyed the first class I was excited to come to class. In class we learned what an RSS feed is. This is where you can link certain sites to your blog that will send you posts on new information they have posted to their site. For example, you can choose to subscribe to a news website such as CNN. They can then send you posts to the latest news articles posted onto their site. I chose to subscribe to National Geographic and to I especially like UEN because they will send me updates on the latest educational news going on in Utah.
--After learning about RSS feeds and linking them to our own PLE's we learned about a site called "Good Reads". This is where members share books they have read or would like to read. After creating our own Good Reads accounts we selected 10 books to review. These books were ones we were either reading, have read, or wish to read. We then categorized these books into different shelves. Next we added at least five friends to our accounts. Lastly we posted a link to our Good Reads accounts onto our PLE's, in my case onto my blog. All-in-all it was a great class! I learned a lot and had a ton of fun!

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