Friday, September 26, 2008


This week in class we came up with our own science activities using some type of technology. For my group's project we did 3rd grade Standard 2 Objective 1A&B which is to understand and classify living and non-living things and the properties of each. The steps to our activity is all listed on my Tech Savvy Teacher article below. Next I was supposed to view 2 other people's activities on their blogs. One I looked at was especially fun. Their group used the program Celestia to view the Earth and the Moon and to notice similarities and differences between the two. The article and pictures were great. This would be a tool I would definitely use. The other article used a tool on the internet that a teacher could use with their students to view the moon. I really enjoyed our activity this week. I am excited to use technology for every subject. Exciting Stuff!!

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