Friday, October 24, 2008


It was fun to view other people's virtual tours. I viewed one about the animals on different continents, one on the olympics, and one on fun places in each of the 7 continents. Each one had some very fun things. I loved the links for the animals on each continents. They had some good information on the habitats of the chosen animals. I also liked the pictures this tour had four each placemark. For the olympics tour I loved the activities assigned to each placemark. I liked that it required the student to do active activites such as picking up a ball and learning how to hit it volleyball style. For the other continents tour I loved the video they used showing the Great Wall of China.

I got a lot of fun ideas on how to use google earth!! I think it was very beneficial to view other people's work. I learned that you really can use it for every subject. I thought it would be hard to use it for the earlier grades but two of the ones I used were very simple and easy to use for kindergarten and first grade.


This week in IP&T we created a virtual tour using google earth. I did my tour on a lesson teaching all about Pablo Picasso and cubism. Throughout the tour the go through four different lessons. The first lesson is an art history lesson where they do a scavenger hunt finding information about Picasso. There is a list of 9 questions for them to find the answers to. The second lesson is an art criticism one having them criticize the painting "Guernica". The third lesson is an art studio one where they learn all about cubism. This lesson is my favorite. This lesson provides a link to a website that allows you to create your own "Mr. Picasso Head". The fourth lesson is a Visual Culture lesson. This lesson takes them to a sculpture Picasso made that is displayed in downtown Chicago. The students then create their own sculpture idea and pick a place where they would put it.

All in all I think my tour turned out great!! I think using google earth to teach art is a great idea. It is easy to fit in all of the different art elements such as history, critism, and studio.

Google Earth is not only limited to art lessons. I would use google earth for any subject!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


This week in class we learned all about the program google earth. I am so excited about this tool. This program allows you to view places all over the world. You can view any location. It is quite fascinating! I think this is a great tool that can be used in the classroom. For class we are going to make our own virtual tour based on a certain content area. Some examples can include the following:
1. For history you could learn about Ancient Egypt and tour pyramids. YOu could also view the locations of the civil war, WWII, and September 11.
2. For literature you could talk about the story Peter Pan and veiw the places in London discussed in the story.

Such a great tool! I am excited to learn more about how to use Google Earth.

Friday, October 10, 2008


This week in IP&T we finished our digital storytelling assignment. I think ours went really well. It was fun to use photostory to put the whole thing together. I love this program and am glad I downloaded it to my computer. It is definitely a program I will use a lot. As part of our assignment we were to go and watch three of the videos made by others in our class. I had so much fun that I watched a lot more than three. Most of them were most excellent and fun. The only problem with some of them were that it was hard to hear the narration over the music. I really enjoyed the book trailer of "Where The Wild Things Are" and "Lousy Catcher's Mit". I loved the pictures in "Lousy Catcher's Mit". I think they did an awesome job choosing them. I absolutely loved the music in the wild things video. It was fun and captivating. Another video I watched was the ABC rap. I commend Josh for rapping that whole thing! Very impressive! :) I rather enjoyed ours too! hehe This assignment is something I would definitely use in my classroom. This could be used during a unit on poems. This would be a fun way to get children exciting about poety. I would also use this to do book trailers and story retelling. I think kids would have a lot of fun doing this!!


Here is our digital story! It is a book trailer for the book "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" by Laura Numeroff. This book talks about the fun effects of what would happen if you give a mouse a cookie. It leads to a bunch of silly things and ends up going in a full circle!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


This week in IP&T we talked about ways we can use technology to teach language arts. I am extremely excited for this week's assignment. My partner Hollie and I are doing a book trailer. We found some great images and thought of some good ideas to make our trailer very fun. In class we learned about a few ways in which we can use technology to teach language arts. These include a digital story retelling, claymation, and much more. I loved the idea of a book trailer and was excited to try it myself. We finished our storyboard and found music to go along with it from All of my sources are cited on our storyboard and are also saved in a word document so we can easily cite them at the end of our trailer video. Can't wait to finish it next week!