Friday, October 10, 2008


This week in IP&T we finished our digital storytelling assignment. I think ours went really well. It was fun to use photostory to put the whole thing together. I love this program and am glad I downloaded it to my computer. It is definitely a program I will use a lot. As part of our assignment we were to go and watch three of the videos made by others in our class. I had so much fun that I watched a lot more than three. Most of them were most excellent and fun. The only problem with some of them were that it was hard to hear the narration over the music. I really enjoyed the book trailer of "Where The Wild Things Are" and "Lousy Catcher's Mit". I loved the pictures in "Lousy Catcher's Mit". I think they did an awesome job choosing them. I absolutely loved the music in the wild things video. It was fun and captivating. Another video I watched was the ABC rap. I commend Josh for rapping that whole thing! Very impressive! :) I rather enjoyed ours too! hehe This assignment is something I would definitely use in my classroom. This could be used during a unit on poems. This would be a fun way to get children exciting about poety. I would also use this to do book trailers and story retelling. I think kids would have a lot of fun doing this!!

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