Thursday, December 4, 2008

IP&T WEEK 14: Continued

For this week's assignment we were to read four articles about media and the internet. These articles list suggestions on how to protect our families against the evils found in the media and on the internet. We were then required to answer four questions about the reading.

#1. For my fourth article I read...
"Leave It Alone" by H. Burke Peterson found in the New Era January 1995.
#2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings?
I learned that as adults we need to be aware of technology. As parents we need to know what technologies our children are using and set guidelines for how these technologies are used. Children need to be taught about the dangers there are on the internet. Parent also need to do all they can to protect their children from these dangers. Sometimes unwanted evils such pornography can appear even when we aren't looking for it. We need to protect our families against this by using filters and teaching our children not to open pop ups. In our homes we need to put computers in areas where there is high traffic. Children also need to be encouraged to only use the internet for specific purposes such as homework.
The internet can be a great resource if it is used appropriately. There are also a lot of evils found on the internet. The family is being attacked through what is found in media and on the internet. We need to be careful what we allow in our homes.

#3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?
The reading has helped remind me how important it is to educate children on how to be safe. As a parent and teacher I need to teach my children how to be safe on the internet. I need to address issues such as Cyber bullying, chatting, and pornography. I will need to warn my children about dangerous people that can pose as others. As a parent I will be aware of what my children are viewing on the internet and set guidelines for them.
#4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
I can use the information to help inform my parents how they can and should be involved in how the internet is used at their home. I can share what I've learned with friends and express my feelings on internet safety. I have a huge impact on what media is viewed in my house. I can set an example an only let clean and uplifting things be viewed on my television and computer.

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