Thursday, December 4, 2008



Today in class we are learning about internet safety. We are going to watch a video about what things children should know and be aware of about the internet. While the video is playing I am going to write down things I think are important for kids to know. These are ideas I will teach my students and future children.

A lot of kids feel more comfortable talking to people online than in person. This scares me. Children who get so comfortable talking online will be unable to interact in social situations.

There is a lot of access to inappropriate material. We need to be careful of key word searches, advertisements, and pop ups.

typo quatting-used to lure children to pornography sites Truth and domain names act-its illegal to knowingly use frequently used names (spelled wrong but close to the real spelling) that will result in pulling up pornography.

Hate sites are showing up at a faster rate than pornography. A lot of these are designed to attract children.

Piracy is a popular activity of youth.
More than 50% of high school students have admitted to plagarising off of the internet.

We need to teach children about the affects of cyber bullying. We need to teach about how this is wrong and how it hurts others. Children need to know what things are considered bullying.

Children need to understand that people they are talking to online may not be who they say they are. We need to warn children that there are a lot of dangerous people who pose as others when they really are pedafiles and predators.

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