Thursday, December 11, 2008


For the rest of this weeks assignment we were required to teach the information we learned about internet safety to either a child, sibling, or parent. I taught my mom and 15 year old sister about several things I learned. We talked about chat rooms, cyber stalking, and cyber harassment. We talked about the grooming process predators go through to lure in their prey. We talked about what to do if you have experienced cyber harassment or stalking. We talked about the dangers of Myspace. We talked about cyber privacy and how to be safe. We talked about being careful with what information you put on the internet. I taught my sister how to recognize if a site is secure. I taught her to look for the s after the http or the padlock symbol.
I taught them about typo squatting. This was really beneficial information for both my mom and sister. Neither of them had heard about this before. We talked about avoiding pulling up pornography by not pulling up pop ups. We also briefly talked about viruses and hackers.
I feel the discussion went very well and was very positive. My mom felt the discussion was really valuable to her. She loved learning about typo squatting and felt like it is really valuable information to know. She also liked reviewing the other information that she already knew.

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