Thursday, December 11, 2008


For my last reflection I am to discuss what I liked about using a blog and what I didn't like. The most valuable aspect about creating this PLE was having a place where I could keep all the information I learned throughout the class. It was also nice to be able to save websites and links that I can use later as a teacher. I have loved being able to pull up my PLE and use the links I have added for other class assignments such as lesson plans and projects. I have also liked being able to look through my previous reflections and use the ideas from them. I love having the information from our activities such as the science project. I also love being able to write my feelings and ideas I have each week about what we are doing in class. I think this is a really beneficial thing for me.
The thing I like least about the PLE was when I would have technical difficulties with posting items. One time the blog erased my whole reflection and I had to type it all again. (It was a long one too.) Other than that I haven't really had any problems with the PLE.
I love the idea of having a blog or wiki for my class to use as a resource. I definitely think I will have a blog for my classes every year. I think I will use it as a way for parents to stay updated and involved with what is going on at school. I will also use it to post fun activities that we are doing at school such as videos the students made.


For the rest of this weeks assignment we were required to teach the information we learned about internet safety to either a child, sibling, or parent. I taught my mom and 15 year old sister about several things I learned. We talked about chat rooms, cyber stalking, and cyber harassment. We talked about the grooming process predators go through to lure in their prey. We talked about what to do if you have experienced cyber harassment or stalking. We talked about the dangers of Myspace. We talked about cyber privacy and how to be safe. We talked about being careful with what information you put on the internet. I taught my sister how to recognize if a site is secure. I taught her to look for the s after the http or the padlock symbol.
I taught them about typo squatting. This was really beneficial information for both my mom and sister. Neither of them had heard about this before. We talked about avoiding pulling up pornography by not pulling up pop ups. We also briefly talked about viruses and hackers.
I feel the discussion went very well and was very positive. My mom felt the discussion was really valuable to her. She loved learning about typo squatting and felt like it is really valuable information to know. She also liked reviewing the other information that she already knew.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

IP&T WEEK 15-Watching Internet Safety Videos

Before class on Thursday we are required to spend 60 minutes watching videos about how to keep kids safe on the internet. We are then supposed to write about the most important things we learn.
The first video I watched was from on privacy and the internet. On this video it says that there is virtually no internet sites that secure your privacy. You are at risk of loosing your privacy on the internet. Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the U.S. Avoid giving out personal information over the internet. Don't pay with a credit card on the internet unless you know the site is safe. Look for an s after the http or a padlock symbol at the bottom of the computer screen. That tells you the site is secure. Avoid putting your social security number on the internet at all costs! Less is more... Be safe!
The second video I watched was from about cyber relationships. One risk with meeting people online is that you don't really know who you are talking to. You are at risk for Cyber stalking, unwanted sexual harassment, or sexual solicitations. If this happens to you report it. They can be tracked. Predators on the internet go through the grooming process to lure in their prey. They usually start communication in a chat room. They appear to be a sympathetic friend. They are sneaky! Never agree to meet anyone! Don't give out any identifying information on the web especially when chatting. Look for Red flags! If you are cyber harassed or stalking it needs to be reported. Tell you parents and contact local law authorities. Report it at
The third video I watched was from about intellectual property theft. This is illegally downloading music, videos, and other materials.
The fourth video I watched was from about malicious code. There are about 70,000 known computer viruses!! Holy moly! The fifth video is from about cyber citizenship. I learned about the microdot used to send messages by taking a picture containing a secret message and shrinking it down to the size of a period and placing it at the end of a sentence.
Next I watched the documentary from PBS and frontline. Kids now are growing up online. We need to be aware of what is going on because there are a lot of things they can easily hide.
I learned so much from watching these videos. I will keep this information in mind when I become a teacher and parent. I will teach my students to be safe when they use the internet. As a parent I will keep a close eye on what my children are doing online. I think the most important thing for parents and teachers is to be involved and aware!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

IP&T WEEK 14: Continued

For this week's assignment we were to read four articles about media and the internet. These articles list suggestions on how to protect our families against the evils found in the media and on the internet. We were then required to answer four questions about the reading.

#1. For my fourth article I read...
"Leave It Alone" by H. Burke Peterson found in the New Era January 1995.
#2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings?
I learned that as adults we need to be aware of technology. As parents we need to know what technologies our children are using and set guidelines for how these technologies are used. Children need to be taught about the dangers there are on the internet. Parent also need to do all they can to protect their children from these dangers. Sometimes unwanted evils such pornography can appear even when we aren't looking for it. We need to protect our families against this by using filters and teaching our children not to open pop ups. In our homes we need to put computers in areas where there is high traffic. Children also need to be encouraged to only use the internet for specific purposes such as homework.
The internet can be a great resource if it is used appropriately. There are also a lot of evils found on the internet. The family is being attacked through what is found in media and on the internet. We need to be careful what we allow in our homes.

#3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?
The reading has helped remind me how important it is to educate children on how to be safe. As a parent and teacher I need to teach my children how to be safe on the internet. I need to address issues such as Cyber bullying, chatting, and pornography. I will need to warn my children about dangerous people that can pose as others. As a parent I will be aware of what my children are viewing on the internet and set guidelines for them.
#4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
I can use the information to help inform my parents how they can and should be involved in how the internet is used at their home. I can share what I've learned with friends and express my feelings on internet safety. I have a huge impact on what media is viewed in my house. I can set an example an only let clean and uplifting things be viewed on my television and computer.



Today in class we are learning about internet safety. We are going to watch a video about what things children should know and be aware of about the internet. While the video is playing I am going to write down things I think are important for kids to know. These are ideas I will teach my students and future children.

A lot of kids feel more comfortable talking to people online than in person. This scares me. Children who get so comfortable talking online will be unable to interact in social situations.

There is a lot of access to inappropriate material. We need to be careful of key word searches, advertisements, and pop ups.

typo quatting-used to lure children to pornography sites Truth and domain names act-its illegal to knowingly use frequently used names (spelled wrong but close to the real spelling) that will result in pulling up pornography.

Hate sites are showing up at a faster rate than pornography. A lot of these are designed to attract children.

Piracy is a popular activity of youth.
More than 50% of high school students have admitted to plagarising off of the internet.

We need to teach children about the affects of cyber bullying. We need to teach about how this is wrong and how it hurts others. Children need to know what things are considered bullying.

Children need to understand that people they are talking to online may not be who they say they are. We need to warn children that there are a lot of dangerous people who pose as others when they really are pedafiles and predators.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Math Technology

CONTENT: Kindergarten math standard 2 objective 2: Duplicate and extend simple repeating patterns with numbers and shapes.
TECHNOLOGY: This is a math website that has a lot of different math activities that help children learn addition and subtraction, patterns, and much more. This particular activity helps children learn how to extend repeating patterns using colors.
PEDAGOGY: I would use this site during a math lesson on completing patterns. I would have the students practice completing the patterns on the site and then create their own patterns using colors, numbers, and shapes.

CONTENT: Kindergarten Standard 4 Objective 1: Name all upper and lower case letters in random order.
TECHNOLOGY: This is a website called On this site it has a game where you can click on each letter and see the uppercase and lower case letter. The sight has sound too that says the letter. Then you can click an arrow and it gives a word that begins or contains that letter.
PEDAGOGY: I would use this to help expose the students to the letters. I would maybe play a game such as view the letters and try to think of as many words as you can that has this letter in it. I would also use it as a practice tool. I would have the students orally repeat the letter after the website does.


In class we are talking about a lot of cool technologies and resource can use in our classrooms. We first talked about different computer formats such as GIF, JPG, PNG,and TIF. We talked about the sizes of each and when to use each one. One we discussed was saving screen shots as JPG files. We talked about digital images and pixel/dot size. We talked about digital image resolution and what determines the size of the picture. We talked about how the more pixels there are the clearer the image is. This is DPI or dots per inch. So an 8 megapixel image will be clearer than a 2 megapixel image. We then went onto Wikipedia and looked up information on image file formats. We learned that lossless images looses none of the picture quality or material and lossy looses image quality. It takes away information that is not visible to the eye.

We then used the program Picasa to take the red eye off of a cat picture. I love this program. It was so fun to play with.

Next we went to the website: !! Such a cool website! On this site you can create different pictures and even little video clips. This program would be great to use in the classroom. You could have the students create their own story from a book they read. They could write a story or experience and then draw or create a video for it. You could also use it to teach sequencing or beginning, middle, or end. There are a lot of fun things a teacher could do with this website.

Next we explored other websites with math and language arts activities. In groups we picked a grade level to find an activity for. We went to the state core and found a math and language arts standard and objective. We then picked a language arts activity and math activity on the web that met this standard and objective. These activities are shown on previously shown posts explaining the technology, content, and pedagogy.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

IP&T WEEK 11 Continued...

One laptop per child: XO laptop
We just got to play around with a laptop called the XO. This is such a cool technology. There are so many ways a teacher could use this in their early childhood classroom. I would use the write program to have the children do some of their writing assignments such as composing a story. I would use the browse tool to have them look up information on different content areas. I would use the jigsaw puzzles during a content lesson on animals. We did an ant puzzle which was really fun. I would also have the students use the photo and audio tools during a science experiment.

Learning shapes- have them go on a scavenger hunt to find things of each shape
Sequencing- patterns
Learning colors- taking colors of things that are red, blue, etc.
Science- learning about living and non-living things, animals, water, weather
Math- have them find things in pairs, threes, etc
Storytelling- have them take pictures of a story and then put the pictures in the correct sequence
School scavenger hunt- Where are the emergency things, nurses office, principal, bathrooms, etc.
Take pictures of letters or things that start with certain letters

For a lesson using digital cameras a teacher could teach children about rhyming words. This would go along with Kindergarten Language arts standard 3 objective 1B Which is identify and and create a series of rhyming words orally. What we would do is have the students learn a rhyming family such as -at. We would learn about what words rhyme with that ending such as cat, mat, bat, and sat. We would then have them go find pictures of items that rhyme. They could find a mat, have someone sit in a chair, or a cat they see outside.


We are in class and are required to read an article about how to use technology in the early childhood classroom. As I read I will write down things I like or find interesting:

This comes from the article called "Technology in Early Childhood Education: Finding the Balance"
Technology provides opportunities for children to enhance their language development and their social interactions. One big positive thing about technology in the classroom is it helps motivate young children to learn. Technology needs to be set up and used correctly in the classroom. It should not replace human interactions or group activities such as shared reading. If it is used correctly it will enhance language development. It can also help social interactions. One way the article suggests you can do this is to put two chairs in front of a computer and require the students to work together on an activity.

One article talks about using technology to make a graph, tell a story, take pictures, and much much more!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


We didn't have class this week but we had the assignment of observing a classroom and taking a survey on what types of technologies they had. I have been working with a student at Meadow Elementary in Lehi. So I observed in that class and interviewed one of the 2nd grade teachers in that school. In her classroom they have an overhead projector, digital camera, and cd/tape player. They also share a tv and dvd/vhs combo with the teachers in the same hallway. The school has one computer lab. The students go to computer class 2x a week for 4 weeks each term. That is a total of 12 weeks. They go 80 minutes each week. The computers they use are Apple computers. The programs these computers have include: Word, Worldbook Encyclopedia, Paint, Math munchers, and some others as well. The school has 2 Elmo projectors. Each teacher also has screen projectors for their computers. It is the goal of the school to have Elmo machines for each classroom. The students have limited access to the internet and have to have a permission slip signed by their parents to be able to use it.

I think the Elmo machines are a great resource. I would use this technology in my class a lot. I would use it a lot for science lessons, math, and language arts.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


This week in class all we did was learn about what would happen for us for the rest of the semester. Since I am in the ECE program we will come to class each week and learn about different types of technology we can use in our classrooms. I am very excited to learn about these. Also in class we got the assignment to observe a classroom and do a survey on what technologies they use. I will do this assignment this week and report my findings! I love IP&T!

Friday, October 24, 2008


It was fun to view other people's virtual tours. I viewed one about the animals on different continents, one on the olympics, and one on fun places in each of the 7 continents. Each one had some very fun things. I loved the links for the animals on each continents. They had some good information on the habitats of the chosen animals. I also liked the pictures this tour had four each placemark. For the olympics tour I loved the activities assigned to each placemark. I liked that it required the student to do active activites such as picking up a ball and learning how to hit it volleyball style. For the other continents tour I loved the video they used showing the Great Wall of China.

I got a lot of fun ideas on how to use google earth!! I think it was very beneficial to view other people's work. I learned that you really can use it for every subject. I thought it would be hard to use it for the earlier grades but two of the ones I used were very simple and easy to use for kindergarten and first grade.


This week in IP&T we created a virtual tour using google earth. I did my tour on a lesson teaching all about Pablo Picasso and cubism. Throughout the tour the go through four different lessons. The first lesson is an art history lesson where they do a scavenger hunt finding information about Picasso. There is a list of 9 questions for them to find the answers to. The second lesson is an art criticism one having them criticize the painting "Guernica". The third lesson is an art studio one where they learn all about cubism. This lesson is my favorite. This lesson provides a link to a website that allows you to create your own "Mr. Picasso Head". The fourth lesson is a Visual Culture lesson. This lesson takes them to a sculpture Picasso made that is displayed in downtown Chicago. The students then create their own sculpture idea and pick a place where they would put it.

All in all I think my tour turned out great!! I think using google earth to teach art is a great idea. It is easy to fit in all of the different art elements such as history, critism, and studio.

Google Earth is not only limited to art lessons. I would use google earth for any subject!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


This week in class we learned all about the program google earth. I am so excited about this tool. This program allows you to view places all over the world. You can view any location. It is quite fascinating! I think this is a great tool that can be used in the classroom. For class we are going to make our own virtual tour based on a certain content area. Some examples can include the following:
1. For history you could learn about Ancient Egypt and tour pyramids. YOu could also view the locations of the civil war, WWII, and September 11.
2. For literature you could talk about the story Peter Pan and veiw the places in London discussed in the story.

Such a great tool! I am excited to learn more about how to use Google Earth.

Friday, October 10, 2008


This week in IP&T we finished our digital storytelling assignment. I think ours went really well. It was fun to use photostory to put the whole thing together. I love this program and am glad I downloaded it to my computer. It is definitely a program I will use a lot. As part of our assignment we were to go and watch three of the videos made by others in our class. I had so much fun that I watched a lot more than three. Most of them were most excellent and fun. The only problem with some of them were that it was hard to hear the narration over the music. I really enjoyed the book trailer of "Where The Wild Things Are" and "Lousy Catcher's Mit". I loved the pictures in "Lousy Catcher's Mit". I think they did an awesome job choosing them. I absolutely loved the music in the wild things video. It was fun and captivating. Another video I watched was the ABC rap. I commend Josh for rapping that whole thing! Very impressive! :) I rather enjoyed ours too! hehe This assignment is something I would definitely use in my classroom. This could be used during a unit on poems. This would be a fun way to get children exciting about poety. I would also use this to do book trailers and story retelling. I think kids would have a lot of fun doing this!!


Here is our digital story! It is a book trailer for the book "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" by Laura Numeroff. This book talks about the fun effects of what would happen if you give a mouse a cookie. It leads to a bunch of silly things and ends up going in a full circle!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


This week in IP&T we talked about ways we can use technology to teach language arts. I am extremely excited for this week's assignment. My partner Hollie and I are doing a book trailer. We found some great images and thought of some good ideas to make our trailer very fun. In class we learned about a few ways in which we can use technology to teach language arts. These include a digital story retelling, claymation, and much more. I loved the idea of a book trailer and was excited to try it myself. We finished our storyboard and found music to go along with it from All of my sources are cited on our storyboard and are also saved in a word document so we can easily cite them at the end of our trailer video. Can't wait to finish it next week!


Friday, September 26, 2008


This week in class we came up with our own science activities using some type of technology. For my group's project we did 3rd grade Standard 2 Objective 1A&B which is to understand and classify living and non-living things and the properties of each. The steps to our activity is all listed on my Tech Savvy Teacher article below. Next I was supposed to view 2 other people's activities on their blogs. One I looked at was especially fun. Their group used the program Celestia to view the Earth and the Moon and to notice similarities and differences between the two. The article and pictures were great. This would be a tool I would definitely use. The other article used a tool on the internet that a teacher could use with their students to view the moon. I really enjoyed our activity this week. I am excited to use technology for every subject. Exciting Stuff!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Science Activity-Living vs. Non-Living Things

Welcome to Tech Savvy Teacher! Today we are going to learn about using a digital microscope to get up-close and personal to observe living and non-living characteristics in various things we found right outside! The standard we chose was third grade science, standard two, objective one, letters a and b, which is identifying the characteristics of living and non-living things.

The first thing to do with the students is to introduce them to the characteristics of living and non-living things, and help them become familiar with these characteristics. Characteristics of living things might include: breathing, ability to reproduce, movement, growth, etc. Non-living characteristics might include things such as: stationary, non-breathing, not able to reproduce, etc. To introduce this topic, you might first begin a discussion and have a worksheet with a column for living things next to a column for non-living things where they could write down some of the characteristics of living and non-living in these columns. Underneath these columns, you could have a column for examples of things that are living and some of their characteristics. The students could fill this column out while you project magnified living organisms, such as grass.

With the grass projected, you could talk about some of its characteristics, such as its roots and talk about how this is how it gets its nutrients. After this, you could send the children out on their own to find non-living things, which they could bring in the class. You could go around the class and discuss a few of the items, while projecting them and talking about their characteristics.

Using the digital microscope, the teacher is better able to project the small item she is talking about, and the students have an opportunity to develop their skills in observation.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

IP&T Week 3 continued...

I also did the Copyright and Fair Use tutorial and quiz. I was suprised to find out that teachers have a lot of leverage with using other people's materials. Yet there are some limitations. These were good videos and charts to review. I learned a lot from them. In class we also learned about TPAK. This is a theory about using technology within your pedagogy. It is amazing how much technology can be used and incorporated into your curriculum.

IP&T Week 3

I really enjoyed this week in IP&T. We added another link to our PLEs called delicious. This is a bookmark site where you link other resources. I really like this tool. As a teacher you can have all your resources listed in one place. Having this site on a blog can be useful for parents and students to use at home. They can link to it and find games and resources to do at home. In class we also explored science technologies and games. I find these so much fun. I am excited to use the stellarium and kidsperation tools. I also really loved the Logger Pro. Science was always one of my favorite subjects in school. These are fun tools to use to get children excited about learning.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


--Sept. 11th was the second day of IP&T class. Since I thoroughly enjoyed the first class I was excited to come to class. In class we learned what an RSS feed is. This is where you can link certain sites to your blog that will send you posts on new information they have posted to their site. For example, you can choose to subscribe to a news website such as CNN. They can then send you posts to the latest news articles posted onto their site. I chose to subscribe to National Geographic and to I especially like UEN because they will send me updates on the latest educational news going on in Utah.
--After learning about RSS feeds and linking them to our own PLE's we learned about a site called "Good Reads". This is where members share books they have read or would like to read. After creating our own Good Reads accounts we selected 10 books to review. These books were ones we were either reading, have read, or wish to read. We then categorized these books into different shelves. Next we added at least five friends to our accounts. Lastly we posted a link to our Good Reads accounts onto our PLE's, in my case onto my blog. All-in-all it was a great class! I learned a lot and had a ton of fun!


Sept. 4th was the first day in my IP&T class. In class we learned about was Web 2.0 is. We then learned about Moodle, our class "Blackboard", and created our own profiles. We also learned about Blogs and Wikis and how we can use them as teaching tools in our classrooms. Next we created our own blog or wiki to be used as our own Personal Learning Environment. Obviously I chose to make a blog. Although a few of my friends have blogs I have never used one. I am excited to explore this resource. We provided a link to our blogs onto our Moodle accounts. We were then given the assignment of completing a pre-assessment survey online.... I am excited about this class and learning about how I can effectively use technology in my future classrooms!